Nokia Internet Tablet N800/N810

Arabic Localization of the Nokia N800 and N810 - تعريب النوكيا

Please note that this solution is intended for Nokia N800/N810 with OS2008. No need to install the Mozilla MicroB Browser as it is already pre-installed. If you have OS2007 then it is highly recommended that you upgrade to the lastest version of OS2008.

تركيب الأحرف العربية ولوحة المفاتيح

Follow the steps below to install the needed packages:
  1. Install the Arabic TrueType Fonts package (Skip to Step 3 if the Fonts are already installed)
  2. Reboot your Nokia N800/N810 Tablet
  3. Install the Arabic Keyboard for N800 and N810
  4. Go to Menu/Settings/Control Panel/Text input settings
  5. Tap on the Languages tab and set up the "2nd language" as "Arabic (Lebanon)"; tap on Settings and uncheck everything then tap OK
  6. Recommended step: Tap on Settings for the 1st language and uncheck "Auto-capitalisation"
  7. When the on-screen keyboard is pulled, tap on "En" to switch to Arabic "Ar"

Arabic Keyboard Screenshots:
Mozilla MicroB Browser Screenshots:
ملاحظة : اضغط على مفتاح المسافة بعد كتابة الحركات مثل الفتحة والضمة والشدة والكسرة ... الخ.

  • The Arabic Keyboard was made possible by the joint efforts of Jiri Benc and myself, Аli Кhadra.
  • The Arabic Keyboard is part of the ukeyboard package which includes other languages such as Bulgarian, Czech, Esperanto, Hungarian, Slovak, etc.
  • Step 5 (part 2) and Step 6 are recommended to avoid having to press Shift when switching to Arabic. There are no capital (uppercase) letters in the Arabic language.
  • It is also possible to set up Arabic as 1st language and English (or any other language) as 2nd.
  • Known issues: Some letters in the Arabic keyboard stick out to lower keys. Due to this, two vowel signs are not visible on their respective keys. This seems to be a Maemo System issue.


Created by Eng. Аli КHADRA